Zapier integration

Extend Your Messaging Workflows with Zapier and MessageDesk

Trigger texts, update contacts and automate your messaging workflow by integrating MessageDesk with Zapier.

zapier integration
Documents & media sharing

Trigger automatic text messages from any app.

Zapier makes it easy to improve response rates and optimize messaging workflows. Use Zapier to automatically trigger MessageDesk to text your contacts when an action occurs in a different app.

Ways to use Zapier with MessageDesk
Sync contacts and update groups

Update contact lists and groups with Zapier.

Create workflows that update MessageDesk contact lists and groups. Set triggers to automatically send text messages when contacts and groups get created or updated.

How to connect Zapier to MessageDesk
zapier integration
MessageDesk integrations
Connect MessageDesk to your existing CRM

Sync Contacts from your existing CRM.

Use Zapier to create or update existing contacts in MessageDesk based on actions in another application.

  • Create contacts when a form gets submitted.
  • Update contacts when information changes in your CRM.
  • Trigger texts when contact information gets updated.

How to connect Zapier and MessageDesk

1. Go to your Zapier dashboard and click “Create Zap”.

2. Start your “Zap” with a trigger by searching for an app you’d like to connect with MessageDesk.

3. After confirming your Trigger, you’ll be able to search for MessageDesk.

Zapier Trigger Action

4. Once MessageDesk is selected, you can choose one of our 3 actions: Create/Update Contact, Add/Remove Contact from Group, or Send Contact a Text Message.

MessageDesk Zapier Trigger Actions

5. Now you’ll be prompted to Sign into MessageDesk.

6. Once signed in you’re all set! From here you’ll manage your Zapier and MessageDesk integration from Zapier directly.

About Zapier

Zapier helps you automate your work and integrate with 1000’s of apps.

  • Connect 1000’s of different apps together to create dynamic and easy-to-use automated workflows.
  • Build it your way without writing any code. Create workflows that fit the way you work.
  • With MessageDesk connected to Zapier you can trigger automated texts messages, create contacts and add contacts to groups.
Get started with Zapier

About MessageDesk

MessageDesk is a smarter, simpler business text messaging application.

  • Keep connected to your contacts and customers from any device. Send text messages from your desktop, tablet, or mobile phone using our native iOS and Android Apps.
  • Using Zapier, quickly sync your existing tech stack with MessageDesk to send messages, update contacts or create groups.
  • MessageDesk makes it easy to start SMS conversations as a team with your customers via our shared inbox.
  • Send a Broadcast to groups of contacts without "reply-all". It's like "BCC" for text messaging.
  • Once a contact responds, go to the MessageDesk Inbox for 1-on-1 text messaging and instant replies.
Get started with MessageDesk
Add texting to your phone system
Learn how to add SMS superpowers to your phone lines.
Add texting to your phone system
Learn how to add SMS superpowers to your phone lines.